miércoles, 24 de febrero de 2016

Cuarto B


  • Simple past (Affirmative and negative) Experiments 
  • Irregular and regular verbs
  • The planets
  • Illnesses and symptoms
  • Reading plan 

Advices/ recommendations

·       Remember, try to practice English every moment you can with your teachers, classmates and even at your home.

·       If you want to improve your listening, try to listen to music and videos in English.

·       Check every day the entire classroom notes in that way you always are going to be ready for the quizzes.

·       Try to practice with the different examples you have in your notebook.

·       Ask any time you need because maybe your classmates have the same question that you have and we can learn together.

·       Finally, read your book with your parents help.

English material





  • Repasar en casa los verbos regulares e irregulares en pasado. Hacer uso de las tarjetas para repasar y divertirse haciéndolo. 
  • Viernes 22 de Julio: Materiales para la clase 
2 botellas 1.5 de gaseosa en lo posible ambas iguales.
Las dos botellas con sus respectivas tapas y hacerles un agujero PEQUEÑO como se ve en la imagen.

Mirellas o escarcha del color que prefieran 
Cinta o silicona 
Anilina vegetal del color de su preferencia 


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